Monday, 30 November 2015

Xanax- important information about the anti- anxiety medication

Xanax or alprazolam is popular world wide as an anti anxiety medication. Anxiety disorders are becoming increasingly frequent these days in today’s era of high stress. If any small insignificant event in your life is causing you unforgettable worry then you might suffer from anxiety disorders. According to recent studies nearly 33% of all anxiety patients do not receive any treatment. This is a very worrisome finding as anxiety disorder if not properly diagnosed and treated can deteriorate further into anxiety or panic attacks or even depression. Therefore it’s important that people who suffer from anxiety disorders receive the proper guidance and treatment. 

Generalized anxiety disorders can be categorized by symptoms such as  

  • ·         Feelings of panic/ fear/ uneasiness
  • ·         Problems sleeping
  • ·         Sweaty hands/cold hands
  • ·         Shortness of breath
  • ·         Heart palpitations
  • ·         Constant restlessness
If your anxiety disorder prolongs then it could start manifesting in forms of physical symptoms such as muscle tension/ pain, twitches/tremors, heat/cold flashes, Heart palpitations. Certain stressful situations can also trigger panic attacks. Alprazolam is a prescribed treatment for the treatment of anxiety disorders/ panic attacks. Alprazolam works as a depressant directly on the central nervous system and enhances the GABA activity. As a result Xanax effect on the brain is a very calming one. Alprazolam is a FDA approved treatment. It’s generally considered as non addictive but anything if taken in excess could be harmful to you. Alprazolam is known to produce sedative/hypnotic properties, anti seizure/anti anxiety properties. Xanax high is usually fast acting. Hence it becomes even more important to not get addicted to xanax. Most alprazolam addicts tend to fall asleep immediately after consumption and on waking up have no recollection of their activities while in a high state. Confirm with your doctor before taking alprazolam in combination with other medications. Alcohol should be avoided while you are taking this medication. Alcohol is also a depressant and thus if alprazolam is taken with large amounts of alcohol it can result in lowering of your heart rate. Also alprazolam taken along with alcohol tends to accentuate the effects of both.

However it’s important that your doctor conducts a thorough medical history before he prescribes you alprazolam. It’s better to avoid taking alprazolam if you suffer from following symptoms
  • Narrow angle glaucoma
  •  Seizures/epilepsy
  •  Liver/kidney disorder
  • Respiratory disorders such as asthma
  • History of substance abuse or alcohol addiction
  • History of depression
  This is because if you experience these symptoms and take alprazolam then you could be exposed to side effect of xanax.